The Correspondent Services Department at FHLBank Indianapolis helps you with the day-to-day tasks that keep your financial business flowing smoothly with automated clearinghouse services, wire transfers, net settlements, safekeeping and more!
Security Safekeeping
Let us assist you with Fed, DTCC, and physical security settlements. We’ll process your purchases and sales of securities, collect interest payments, provide principal and interest projections, and provide market values and prices on a daily basis —all through our convenient and secure Member Link portal.
Opening a safekeeping account is fast and efficient — usually you’re up and running within one business day. There are no fees for delivery into a new account, just for subsequent transactions and account maintenance.
Wire Transfers
Using our connection to the Federal Reserve’s wire system, we can send your funds within the U.S. and internationally, in U.S. dollars or in more than 100 foreign currencies.
Automated Clearinghouse
What do you need? ACH settlement? ACH returns? Notification of changes? All of these functions are available through your FHLBank Indianapolis account.
Net Settlement
Settle your checking account charges and transit deposit credits from your local Federal Reserve Bank through our Federal Reserve account.